There is something very surreal about writing a blog for the mission company you helped start just a few years back. It feels like just yesterday Janson and I were planning the logistics of our first trip to Gallup, New Mexico. Frankly, I could never have imagined the many fruits I would be acquainted with in the past two years. From the incredible missionaries we have had each year, to the beautiful people we encounter when we get there.
When I look back on all of this, I realize that I am the most cliché form of the word “blessed”.
(disclaimer: But of course I cannot take the glory)

What I am writing this blog about, however, is not really about how lucky I am to be in my position. Rather, it is about the mission that College Missions Company strives for. Our goal as a company is to provide an opportunity to people who otherwise would not be able to go on mission. Because of that, it is safe to say that we consider mission trips very vital in the role of a person’s life. Specifically, I am talking about the transformational nature of getting out of your comfort zone and ridding yourself of the many negative influences you can find in the college setting. From personal experience, it is challenging to remind yourself that you are a child of God whenever you have an organic chemistry test in a week. Thankfully I have great community from all of these cool mission trips I have gone on. (shameless plug)
There is so much need for willing servants in the world today. Aside from just helping these people materially, a lot of people are able to experience Christ’s love. A lot of emotional healing happens to the people we serve just from seeing young people care about the people’s well-being. Places that we travel to are the extreme of poverty, but an important facet of our mission trips is that they are not simply about the good you can do whilst in New Mexico or Alaska. There are plenty of opportunities to serve in your very own town, and I personally am reminded of that each time I return to New Mexico.

To wrap this up, missions is important not only to the people being served, but also to the individual serving. Mission has changed my life. I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing if I didn’t think it could change your life too. What’s your excuse?