New Mexico
New Mexico Adult Mission is an exciting 8-day journey that will help you grow closer to Christ through service to the poor and your fellow missionaries. The mission begins with arriving in Albuquerque, New Mexico then traveling 2 hours to Gallup, New Mexico. You will be hosted by the Little Sisters of the Poor on a hill overlooking the city of Gallup. The main focus of the mission is to be Christ's hands and feet to the poorest of the poor. We will work alongside the Little Sisters of the Poor, Benedictine Monks, Missionaries of Charity and the Diocese of Gallup staff. You will be assisting the needs of these individual organizations whether it be physical labor or simply spending time with someone in need. Christ dwells within these simple acts of service. Before and after each day of work you will also spend time with your fellow missionaries in prayer to grow closer to Christ.
As St. John Paul II states, “Be generous in answering Jesus’ call inviting you to put out into the deep and become His witnesses, discovering the trust He puts in you to devise a future together with Him. Above all, to fulfill this mission the Church is entrusting to you requires that you cultivate a genuine life of prayer nourished by the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession.”
We hope and pray New Mexico mission is calling you!
Cost Includes:
Mission Lodging
Mission Meals
Insurance (Liability and car Insurance)
Transportation in New Mexico
Tour of Sante Fe
Donation to the Little Sisters of the Poor (for lodging)
Airfare to and from ABQ not included
Scholarship Fund: The exciting part of this mission is that $700 of your mission fee will go directly to making mission trips affordable for College Students in New Mexico!
Cost for mission is $400 per person
The remaining $700 will go to a scholarship fund to keep New Mexico Missions cheap for college students
June 15th: Arrival
Your first day will involve you arriving to the Albuquerque Airport by 4PM. (Flights to ABQ to be arranged and bought by your own means.). Your mission leaders Janson Delaney and Will Travis will be at the airport to meet you and transport you with the rest of the mission team. Once loaded up you will be get to experience the beautiful landscape of New Mexico on a 2 hour car ride to Gallup, NM. once arriving in Gallup our team will head up the hill of the city to stay in the simple and beautiful cabin homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Expect to be received with ample love as these Sisters take an extra vow of Hospitality and love hosting our missionaries!

June 16th-20th: Mission Work
June 16th-20th: Mission Work
June 16th-20th: Mission Work
Your days will be packed with work and prayer alongside several religious orders! Below is our daily expected mission work for the day.

Visiting the sick and home-bound at the Little Sisters of the Poor

Spending time in adoration with the Missionaries of Charity

Serving with the Missionaries of Charity Soup Kitchen

Men working the Benedictine Monks to build headquarters in the mountains
Night prayer, confession, adoration and spiritual direction facilitated by Fr. John at the Little Sisters of the Poor Chapel

Open mountain top for personal night reflections
June 21st
Leave the Little Sisters of the Poor to spend post-mission time in Sante Fe, New Mexico.

Visit the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi
Tour the Spiral Staircase at the Loretto Chapel